Saturday, August 8, 2015

It's My Birthday....

Well, today I am 40 years old... just 3 months ago today I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I have been very Blessed. I am stage 1, caught very early... and did not require Chemo... I am currently going thru Radiation. I just completed day 12 of radiation yesterday. Its been a scary few months. I am still very scared, emotional and upset. I will survive ! I learned a lot thru this and one thing that sticks in my head is I don't need stuff, I need my Family... my children and Hubby. I have been working slowely to declutter my home.... starting today I will be working harder to declutter my home and give my family and myself a simplier life. I want to walk in my home and not see a hundred things that need to be done... I want to walk in and feel relief... not doom.  I hope you enjoy this journey....